Thursday, November 8, 2012

Shoebox Time by Denny Lynn

Before Thanksgiving every year we make shoeboxes to send to kids who are not as fortunate as us. This year, we started saving things - kid's meal toys, extra birthday stuff, etc - to be ready to fill those boxes. All we had to add were socks, toothbrushes and toothpaste - we had everything else.
John and I each got to fill one special box how ever we wanted - this one will have a page in it that tells all about me for the little boy who gets it.
We had tons of stuff to choose from!
Negotiating for the color of comb was an integral part of the process.
My box is packed and ready for Operation Christmas Child - we just have to deliver it to the church.
John's box was too full to close!
We had so much stuff, Mama rounded up extra shoeboxes and we kept filling!
Again, comb trades we part of the process. We ended up with 11 boxes filled and we stuck with it until the end - Mama thinks we don't know, but after we went to bed she repacked them all so they would close tight, but everything fit! I am growing so big and I truly care about others and what they need. I hope we can continue to help others year after year.

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