Friday, July 22, 2011

Oklahoma Fun by John Lee

It is Oklahoma Time! We never get to spend enough time with our Oklahoma family! It is a long drive and everyone is so busy, but we love them and try to make the most of it when we do get to go! We keep this big blue ball at Uncle Jeff's house to play with when we are there. I love it!
We like to head for the local park - it has a pond where we feed the ducks - this year there were lots of babies! I tried really hard to catch one, but my Mama had to run off the ducklings Mama, so my Mama made me quit!
Me and Daddy and Denny all played on the slide, but it was too hot to stay out long!
The best thing about going to Oklahoma is family. We had lots of fun getting to see everyone! Some are here, some you will see later in some special posts.
Aunt Judy...
Uncle Jeff...
and of course, ice cream - we have to go to Braums several times while we are there - sometimes twice a day! I am a two fisted ice cream eater!
Denny prefers a cone.
We got a cool wiggly sprinkler to play with in Uncle Jeff's backyard. Denny liked it better than me, but it was a fun way to cool off.
We went to the big park and did lots of fun things - like monkey bars...
even a teeter totter!
Denny loved the big tube slide!
The most exciting part was when the train came by! We stopped everything to watch it!
Mama let us do bubbles in the bathtub - this made tub time way fun!
We also got to go to church with Nana and Papa. We saw Uncle Jeff carry the flag and lead the Pledge of Allegiance. I bumped my nose on the pew and got mad, so I ended up in the nursery with Nana and Denny. We made these fun hats!
It was such a great trip and I miss everyone already!

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