Monday, January 13, 2014

Happy Birthday to Me, by John Lee

We had been planning and planning and finally it was birthday time! I had asked for a Justice League party - Superman is my favorite, but I like all of them, so I wanted it to be all Justice League, and Spiderman, even though technically, Spiderman is an Avenger, not a Justice League. Anyway, it all turned out great! Mama used colored popcorn on the table for each hero, then we had them on the cake. We also had ice cream sandwiches and ring pops. We froze juice into ice cubes so that everyone could poor Sprite over it and make their own power up punch.

We had goody bags for each character with cool Justice League candy, Spiderman pencils, Superman fruit snacks and super hero duckies inside!
Mama made each family a thank you popcorn bag, too.
I was super excited to be Superman for the day!
Everyone got to color and emblem and make their own cape to wear. Then they made bookmarks - we covered them with contact paper and added a yarn tassel. I colored mine all yellow - one for me and one for Mama.

Then it was time for games! We love games! We had hero bowling. Denny helped set up the pins and everyone took a turn.

We threw the Bat-a-rangs through the hoop - note the cool city backdrop we borrowed from 4-H! I helped hold the hoop and cheer on my fellow heroes!
Then we got to web Spiderman with silly string! We all really liked this.
After each game everyone got to pick a prize - all Justice League and Spidey prizes of course!
Finally, we had pinata balloons - they had candy and hero rings inside. Mostly tootsie rolls because they are my favorite!
Everyone sang "Happy Birthday" and I finally got to blowout my candle! That made me feel 4 years old!
And we ate cake.
Then it was present time! I was so excited and I loved everything I got!
I even got my very own Llama Llama books from Denny!
And a hero closet full of costumes for me to dress up from Mama and Daddy.
We had a great time celebrating as a family - I was Superman, Denny was Batman, Daddy was Green Lantern (he took his shirt off) and Mama was Superman's Mom. I am so blessed to have family and friends to celebrate with.
On my real birthday we celebrated again. Keebler brought me cinnamon roles and them we had Santa Claus cake at Grandma and Grandpa's.
I do believe 4 is the best age yet.

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