Friday, July 13, 2012

Happy Wedding Jeff and Emily by John Lee

So this wedding thing is kind of over-rated. I love Jeff and I am very excited Emily is my new Aunt, but a wedding moves a little too slow for me! I was a ring bearer with Denny, but I wasn't much for practicing. 
I was all for the rehearsal dinner though! I drew pictures with Papa and then had pizza and spaghetti! Who could ask for more!
Getting all dressed up was kind of a chore, but I would do anything for Uncle Jeff. Well, except smile in the pictures - Mama had to promise ice cream to get me to do that!
Daddy took good care of us between his Best Man duties!
Picture time with the photographer.
I did learn a thing or two at the wedding...move too slow...
...and your brother snakes your girl!
I walked down the aisle with Mama as part of the family group, but then I sat quietly and was great during the ceremony. After, I was much more interested in my books than in taking more pictures.
Jeff and Emily looked very happy - I am so glad they had fun!
Even the promise of ice cream could not lure me into another round of pictures!
I liked the kids table - mostly I liked moving things from cup to cup or into the bucket.
I put myself in time out for a little while just to rest.
What I really wanted was cake! Finally it was time. Now it was a party!
I also learned that the dancer gets the girl! When Denny wouldn't dance, I told Kayla I would dance with her..we had lots of fun dancing, but in the end I decided it would be more fun for her to chase me.
It was a fun day and I am so happy for Jeff and Emily!

1 comment:

  1. The pictures with the adorable little flower girl are precious!! The boys both looked very handsome. Glad you had a good time!
