I got to go to Jace's pirate party and tell him Happy Birthday. I even tried out some pirate hats. 
I liked seeing everybody and watching the kids play. I got my own pirate name - I am Jolly Goodfellow the Giggler! I could get used to this party thing!
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Happy Birthday, Jace by Denny Lynn
Jace is 4! I got invited to his very special pirate party. I helped wrap the present and then I practiced singing Happy Birthday to You! Finally it was time, so I put on my party clothes and off we went.
It was so cool - we all got pirate names, mine was Stormy Seacat the Horrible.
We made telescopes, fed a shark, walked the plank and found treasure.
I even put an eye patch on the pirate - granted I lefted my blindfold to put it on, but I still did pretty good.
We ate hotdogs and then I got to hit my first pinata - and we found candy inside! 
My first pirate party was a great success!
Grandma, Grandma, Grandma by Denny Lynn
We went to me Grandma and do some shopping. We went to several stores and then I got to have chicken for lunch!
When it was time to go home, I was sad because Grandma was leaving me, but then she had to stay over because the highway was closed - I think she really wanted to stay with me anyway! I love Grandma!
Grandma, Grandma, Grandma by John Lee
We went to meet Grandma and do some shopping. It was pretty fun. When it was time to go home, there was an accident on the highway, so Grandma had to stay with us! I like having Grandma come to visit and I am glad she got to stay longer than planned.
4 Months Old by John Lee
I am offricially 4 months old! Time is flying! I can not only roll over, but I am learning to grab on to things and pull. I spend lots of time chewing on everything, but no teeth yet. Life is great at 4 months - I can't emage it getting any better, but we'll see!

Rough Day by Denny Lynn
So Mama says some days are like that. At Ms Darcy's I climbed in the toy box and raises up under the latch - we thought I would have a black eye, but it wasn't too bad.
Then before I left with Mama I shut my thumb in the door (at least this helped me learn to give a "thumbs up".)
All this was on top of the big bruise on my bottom from falling off the swing - sorry, no photo available. Hopefully, that is my quota for awhile!
Tent Fun by Denny Lynn
Ms. Darcy let us borrow this cool bed tent - it has cowboys on it and everything! Mama finally got it out to put on my bed.
I love it! It is so fun. John likes it, too and even though it is my bed, I let him lay in the tent sometimes to share. 
I wish I had a bigger tent so that Mama and Daddy could get in too!
The Big Bed by John Lee
So I like the big bed. I don't actually sleep in it, but I like to lay and watch tha animals go round. They sing Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star and go in circles. It is very relaxing.
Blocks for Baby by John Lee
Blocks are great! Mama got me these great soft ones that rattle and have different textures on them.
They are just right play with when I roll onto my tummy - easy to grab and nice and chewy. Mama always knows what I like!
Eli's Real Birthday by Denny Lynn
We had Eli's Birthday early, so on his real birthday we went to the park and had ice cream with all our friends.
It was very cool. I think Eli had lots of fun and I know I did!
There were cool things to play on and the rain held off just long enough for us to hava a cool party!
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
The Art of Rolling Over by John Lee
There is an art to rolling over. As with any art it requires practice to perfect. I have been working very hard to attain perfection. Finally, yesterday I got it right! Here is what you need to know. Start out on your back with lots of room.
Rock back and forth to get some momentum going. Swing cross one leg over the other – depending on which direction you want to go.
When you don’t make it over – which you probably won’t on the first try, swing your legs up in the air.
Then roll hard to the right and cross your leg over again.
This should carry you over to your stomach.
The final step is to smile proudly so Mama can take your picture and let everyone know you are growing up!!
Just Watchin’ by John Lee
I got to go out with Daddy to ride horses, my big brother even pushed me to out to the horse pens, but I didn’t get to ride.
I spent my time watching from the stroller.
I liked being outside and watching the horses – I will just bide my time, my turn will come and then everybody better watch out!
Ridin’ and Watchin’ by Denny Lynn
Tonight I got to go out with Daddy and ride my horse. I even used the special stirrups that are just my size.
It was fun to ride, but I liked watching Daddy ride even better. 
Fun at the Park by Denny Lynn
We got to go to the park on Sunday with some friends from church. There was a cookout with hot dogs and kids just my size.
I even got to try playing volleyball with the grownups.
John took a nap under the tree
– he sleeps through all the fun stuff – and then Daddy took us to play on the slide and climbing wall.
It was a great day and I was worn out when we went home – I slept really good that night!
Happy Easter at Ms. Darcy’s by Denny Lynn
Since it was so busy before Easter with all the birthdays, we had an After Easter Party. We colored eggs and added stickers, then we played games with Mama.
There was a counting scavenger hunt where we got to find a certain number of each thing – I liked the 2 balloonsthe best.
Then we picked out pictures to each make our own frame. It was a fun party and still Eastery enough for me!
Go, Horsey, Go by Denny Lynn
Me and Daddy have discovered watching the horses on YouTube. We even let John watch with us. I especially like Boomernic the Reiner. But the jumping horses are cool, too. Lately we have been watching Merlin the Bullfighter. I love spending time with Dad and watching the fun horses!
Gymnastics Baby by John Lee
I go with the big kids to gymnastics every week.
I have been watching and practicing – just wait until I figure out how to get my legs all the way over!
Chicken Nugget Fanatic by Denny Lynn
So, chicken nuggets are my favorite – I would eat them for every meal, but Mama won’t let me. I still ask every time, just in case she changes her mind.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Happy Easter 2010 by John Lee
For Easter I got all dressed up to go to church with everyone.
We had pancake breakfast and then went to Sunday School. I got passed around, but let’s face it, who doesn’t want to hold a cute baby like me? When we got home the Easter Bunny had come. He left me a John Deere truck and trailer with horses and everything!
I also got a monkey rattle with a tail I can chew on. My first Easter was pretty fun. My favorite part was the family nap! Next year I am going to eat the head off my chocolate bunny.
Happy Easter 2010 by Denny Lynn
I like Easter. We got all dressed up for church, everyone in blue so you could tell we all went together. I had my very own tie.
We had pancake breakfast at church, then I got to go to big kid Sunday School and do crafts – we made sun catchers with crosses to remind us what Easter is really about. I made it through most of the service, but Mama took me and John back to the nursery so we could play. When we got home, the Easter Bunny had been to my house. I like him better since he left me a new Fix It Johnny Tractor that I can really work on and some candy.
He hid my eggs, too – that sneaky rabbit! But I found them all. We had a good day with our family. I wish every weekend could be Easter!
What’s Wrong with this Picture by Denny Lynn
If you ask me, there is nothing wrong with this picture.
If you ask Mama or Daddy, they will say my sunglasses are upside down. I like them this way. If you turn them over right, I will just put them back this way. They work good at keeping the sun out and they are very comfortable.
Easter with the Muncrief Crew by John Lee
On Saturday afternoon we got to go to Uncle Rex and Aunt Lynette’s house for a cookout with a big Easter egg hunt for the cousins. I liked hanging out with everybody. 
I napped on the way over so I wouldn’t miss out on the party this time. I took my new tractor basket and I even got to hunt some eggs with Daddy. 
We had so much fun I can’t wait to go back!
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