Since I am a Cloverbud, I get to ride in a special class at the 4-H Horse Show. Horses are definitely a family project. Everyone helped with getting Dunny ready, starting the day before the show.
Bath time is takes a while on a big horse like Dunny, we wash...
...we rinse...
...we comb through conditioner...
...and even shine up his hooves.
And of course the poop has to be scooped!
Once the horse is clean, the saddle and tack has to be cleaned.
Finally it was show day and we loaded up!
Once there we set up our spot to get everything ready.
We had time for a final practice.
Then it was time to get dressed. A few final pointers from Dad and it is off to the arena.
I focused on my patter and Dunny did perfect!
Then it was time to get ready for Showmanship.
I watched the big kids ride to see how to do the other classes.
I signed a thank you note for all the sponsors.
I loved hanging out with Dunny and the other 4-H'ers.
Finally, I was in the arena showing Dunny to the judge.
I received a blue ribbon and a bucket of goodies for all my hard work!
It was a fun show with great 4-H'ers!
I love everything I got, especially the ribbon.
After all the work and family time it was time to go home. John took his turn on Dunny. I can't wait to teach him how to do horse shows.
Like I said, horses are a family project!
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