I love fair time! There are so many things to do at the State Fair, I could spend days there - and I did! The Kids Pavillion was full of fun stuff to see and play with. The Model Train Club also sets up a big train display next to the 4-H Building. I love it! There was even a candy train and when it stopped you got part of the load - Pez! I made friends with the Candy Engineer and she even let me get the candy from the train - one for me and one for John!
Daddy and John and I raced across the arena - twice! It was good excercise for wearing out little boys!
John and I discoverd the pin board that let you make handprints and even face prints! It was really cool because other people would push from the backside, so you always had pins to push!
I have been playing in the corn bin since I was a baby! I still love it.
I am a gumball enthusiast. The machine in the Horse Barn is AWESOME! I had to have a gumball everyday - sometimes twice a day. I liked to watch the gumball loop around and jump on the roller coaster.
At McDonalds Farm I got to drive the big tractor. I went through twice - John was asleep the first time, so we took him back - but that is ok, because it was way fun!
I liked milking the cow with the milking machine.
I rope with my Daddy, so I could show them how it is done!
I also rode the saw-horse and picked vegetables. It is a pretty cool place to learn about Ag - including wool, eggs, milk, crops and animals!
I also really like the Chinese Acrobats. They were "AMAZING" as I like to say. I only quit watching when the music got too loud.
The fair isn't all fun. I also have to work. I helped Ms. Lilly clean out the baked goods case in the 4-H Exhibits.
I also discovered this great 4-H wig and of course, I had to try it on! I look good in green! I love the fair, there is so much to see and do! I am ready for next year!
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