I LOVE THOMAS!! Daddy went on a trip and we went to pick him up at the airport, then Mama said we would have a special surprise. I didn't know what to expect, but I was pretty wowed! We went to the theatre (which I call the museum - ultimately it is the same thing!) to see a big Thomas on stage! It was a real Thomas show! We even got Thomas souvenirs - a cool bag and Thomas whirly lights!
When the show started it was too much excitement!! Sir Toppemhatt was there to sing and tell stories. We were on the edge of our seat! The most excitement was when Thomas came out. Even John was in awe and waved and said hello! He and I watched the whole thing - we made train sounds and sang songs!
Percy was there and he got stuck in a mine! Thomas saved him and we helped - if you ask me I will tell you "Thomas saved Percy from the mine and I helped."
The trains were great! Each had it's own driver and they chugged all over the stage. When it was time for the big race they even helped us with the words to the song - I love the Race Song and already knew all the words!
It ended with a big festival after Thomas found fixed the lighhouse. Now I like to play "festival" by getting things ready for the festival (I washed pecans in my swimming pool so they would be ready!) I loved the show and even a week later I keep telling Mama I want to watch the big Thomas show again. She says maybe next time *sigh*.
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