We finally wrapped up all the fairs! What a great time we had! Ms. Darcy took us all on a field trip to the Southern New Mexico State Fair. I went out early with Mama to help with School Tours. I was great at checking the kids in and I helped Ms. Linda give out maps – Amy even let me ride on her golf cart!
We all wore red so that we went together.
Ms. Paula even came with Addie and Jace. I saw lots of animals – I really liked watching the dogs do cool tricks and catch Frisbees.
We had lunch at our special hideaway in the back of the 4-H Building.
They had cool train rides pulled by tractors as part of the antique tractor club. I was excited to ride and didn’t want to get out! I wouldn’t let John ride with me. That backfired a little when the driver said John could ride up front and help drive!

We got our faces painted and I chose a pretty heart. It was red to match my shirt.
On Saturday I got to take Daddy to the fair and show him my goodies and my ribbons!
I wanted to ride the Merry Go Round, but we didn’t have time. I got to ride the tractor train again and sit in a real fire truck.
I showed Daddy the rabbits, turkeys and geese, then we went over to pet some pigs.
When we went back on Sunday to get my ribbons, Mama got me tickets to go on the Merry Go Round, but it was broken. I decided I would ride the train. I got to be in the front car like the engineer and I yelled “All Aboard” to get the other kids on so we could go. It had a bell to ring and a button so I could blow the whistle.
Then John and I got to pull ducks at the duck pond and we won a big frog. I named him Freddy.
The best surprise was that with my ribbon I got a check for $10! I should ask Daddy what happened to that $10. I can’t wait for the next round of fairs!
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