We have started a disturbing trend of me being sick for my birthday party! Last year I had an ear infection and this year I had a nasty cold. Nothing stops a Turner Boy from taking advantage of a party! This year I had a train party. Mama even made me a train cake that looked like Percy from Thomas and Friends.
Percy is my favorite! Grandma and Grandpa came early and they brought me a tricycle for my very own
– then they helped decorate and set up for my big day. We had 14 kids come for the party. There were crafts and color sheets – everyone got to make a hanger for their door with a train on it – I even made one for me!
Then we played musical train cars and shovel the coal.
I really like the shoveling,
but I was more interested in the train boxes before they were part of the game. I blew out the candles on my cake so we could all have cake and ice cream, 
then I got to open my very own presents! I got so many great things I couldn’t pick a favorite
–Mama and Daddy even got me my very own trampoline!
Then there were even presents in the mail from Aunt Judy, Nana & Papa, Ma & Pa and Uncle Shawn! Mama and me had made everyone candy trains and hobo bags to take home.
Even though I had a cold for my party it was pretty fun and I thank everyone for coming to celebrate me!
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