I had my first well baby check-up today! I weigh 12.25 pounds (in the 50th percentile) and I am 22 inches long (they say that is kind of short), but my head is so big it is in the 75th percentile! Don’t worry, the doctor said I would grow into my head. Denny and I looked so good and behaved so well the doctor said Mama and Daddy should have 6 or 8 more just like us. Mama laughed – but I like it when Mama laughs! I babble and coo and I am working on rolling over. I love to smile and laugh. Today would have been more fun without the shots, but Mama and Denny were there with me, so that helped. Overall, life is pretty good!
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Growin’ and Goin’ by Denny Lynn
I am such a big boy! Today I went for my 2 year check up! I am doing great. I weigh 27.5 pounds (in the 50th percentile) and I am 34.5 inches tall (also in the 50th percentile). They say that means I will be 5 ft 9 inches tall when I grow up. I am really growing up – I can use simple sentences, count to 4, say shapes and colors. I can even sing part of the ABCs (it really doesn’t matter what order you go in right?) I can put my clothes on and off (when I want to) and even tell Mama when I need my diaper changed, although I still blame the smell on the dogs. I can’t wait to see what the next year holds.
The Turner Circus by John Lee
We didn’t go to the circus this weekend. It was windy and yucky outside, so we stayed home. Denny put on a circus for me here. He and Daddy taught Nolie to jump on the trampoline. All I can say is better her than me!
The Turner Circus by Denny Lynn
This weekend the circus came to town. We decided not to go, but I figured out how to put on my very own circus with animals and everything! Me and Daddy taught Nolie to jump on my trampoline.
Oscar wouldn’t cooperate – but Nolie was a good partner – she climbed right one every time. We had lots of fun working on our act. I think we will take it on the road!
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Happy Valentine’s Day by John Lee
So I had my first Valentine’s Day.
I didn’t feel great, since I got brother’s cold, but it was ok. I wore my Valentine outfit and got some presents: new Tigger pjs and a cool sea horse that makes sounds like a real horse!
No one gave me any candy – we will have to work on that.

Happy Valentine’s Day by Denny Lynn
I got more cards and presents for Valentine’s! Mama & Daddy got me new Thomas Pjs and some more games for my VSmile.
I got them hugs and kisses – Grandma & Grandpa and Nana & Papa sent me special stuff, too – I am saving hugs and kisses for when I see them.

Way to Party! By John Lee
On Friday we had a Valentine Party at Ms. Darcy’s. I hung out in the swing –
when I got tired of that, I got Ms. Megan to feel sorry for me and hold me while Mama led games and crafts with the others. I thanked her by spitting up all over her. The party thing is overrated. I did have some cool Valentine’s to give out.

Way to Party! By Denny Lynn
On Friday we got to have Valentine’s at Ms. Darcy’s! I made special Valentine’s with my picture on them for all my friends!
Mama came and we made stacking cups then learned to play hide the chocolate.
Ms. Michelle brought us fruit with special chocolate to dip it in.
I just ate the fruit, but Patrick really liked the chocolate!
We exchanged Valentines – there were some to color,
but I liked the balloons best!
It was a really fun party!

Thursday, February 11, 2010
Happy Birthday to Me by Denny Lynn
Terrible twos here I come - though Mama will say I have already arrived! I officially turned two yesterday and even though I had my big party on Saturday, I got to celebrate again with Mama, Daddy and John. There was a special pizza dinner - I like pizza!
And cupcakes with more candles so I could make a real birthday wishes. 
I even got more presents! Grandma & Grandpa sent me this cool Percy shirt with my name on it and I had to put it on right when I opened it!
John got me a Thomas See and Say so I can learn about colors and numbers from the trains. It was all really fun and I feel so grown up.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Future Partners in Crime by John Lee
So, with Denny being sick and now me, not to mention all the cool party stuff and starting back to work, we are running Mama and Daddy in circles. All they can do is hope we wear down enough to sleep at night. All I can say is you ain’t seen nothin’ yet – and it is good to have a brother!
Riding the Washing Machine by John Lee
After Brother Denny’s birthday party I was pretty tired and sore. I was starting to get his cold and my tummy was hurting. Mama fixed me up a spot on top of the washer and turned on the spin cycle – it did the trick! I snuggled up and slept quite awhile – as long as Mama kept starting the machine!
It’s My Party by Denny Lynn
We have started a disturbing trend of me being sick for my birthday party! Last year I had an ear infection and this year I had a nasty cold. Nothing stops a Turner Boy from taking advantage of a party! This year I had a train party. Mama even made me a train cake that looked like Percy from Thomas and Friends.
Percy is my favorite! Grandma and Grandpa came early and they brought me a tricycle for my very own
– then they helped decorate and set up for my big day. We had 14 kids come for the party. There were crafts and color sheets – everyone got to make a hanger for their door with a train on it – I even made one for me!
Then we played musical train cars and shovel the coal.
I really like the shoveling,
but I was more interested in the train boxes before they were part of the game. I blew out the candles on my cake so we could all have cake and ice cream, 
then I got to open my very own presents! I got so many great things I couldn’t pick a favorite
–Mama and Daddy even got me my very own trampoline!
Then there were even presents in the mail from Aunt Judy, Nana & Papa, Ma & Pa and Uncle Shawn! Mama and me had made everyone candy trains and hobo bags to take home.
Even though I had a cold for my party it was pretty fun and I thank everyone for coming to celebrate me!
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
6 Weeks Old Today by John Lee
Today I am 6 whole weeks old! I weigh 11 pounds 10 ounces and I am getting so long Mama thinks I may outgrow my 0-3s before long. It is very exciting to be getting older!

Getting Ready by Denny Lynn
I have been helping Mama get ready for my big birthday party on Saturday!
I helped make candy trains and maybe tomorrow I will get to bake cakes! Mama says the best help I have given has been staying at Darcy’s, I don’t mind that because it is always fun there - or by reading quietly - I love to read, too!
I am excited to be having a birthday.
I’m a Big Boy by John Lee
On Monday I officially became a big boy. I went to daycare with Denny and met all my new friends. You can see me here with Denny, Patrick, Emmalee, Holly and Eli.
They liked having me there and I liked it, too. Right now I only go half a day, but soon I will be there all the time with the big kids! Then Mama took me and Denny out in the stroller and I got to ride in the seat without the car carrier.
Look how grown up I am. 
My 1st Road Trip by John Lee
So I got to go to Carlsbad last weekend with Denny and Mama. Car rides aren’t so bad – it is a nice chance to catch up on my sleep. While we were there I got to try out a different bathtub – Denny still helped with my bath.
I got lots of cuddles, 
but I was glad to get back home on Saturday!

Off to Carlsbad by Denny Lynn
Last weekend Mama took me and John to Carlsbad. Her friend Cristi was coming with her kids, so we went to meet them. They got held up because of weather, but that is ok because we got to hang out with Grandma & Grandpa.
I learned all about using the doggie door to get into the backyard. 
We even went down to Ma & Pa’s to play and I got to sit on Pa’s John Deere tractor.
Then I had a jam session with Grandpa – him on guitar and me on the harmonica.
Cristi came with Alyssah, Blain, Caden and Derek on Saturday just before we came home.
I even got to visit with Dude and Lilly.
It was a pretty fun trip.

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