It doesn't seem possible, but I have been in school 100 days! We had lots of fun ways to celebrate! I knew we had to take 100 like items - I wanted to take trains. I had enough. I put them in rows of ten and counted them out.
100 trains take up a lot of space and they are heavy!Sure enough, when we got the final instructions, it had to be something that fit in a gallon size bag and that everyone could handle and count. I picked Popsicle sticks and again started making stacks of 10.
This quickly became a family project and everyone helped! John is going to keep the extra sticks to make Popsicles.
A perfect fit!
For the party, we were suppose to dress like a 100 year old person. Mama helped with my makeup.
Then we sprayed my hair to make it gray. Mama wanted to shave it to be a bald man, but I said "NO WAY!"
It all came together great! I had suspenders and a bow tie already, put we found cheap glasses and had Daddy pop the lenses out.
I looked too young when I smiled, so I practiced not looking so happy!
This is what I thought I would look like with my dentures out.
Mama came to school for the parade. We were so excited!
We made hats and necklaces with 100 fruit loops on them.
We had to hold tight to our hats so they wouldn't blow away - I used mine to block the dirt from hitting me in the face.
Everyone came out to see the parade of 100 year old people. I saw lots of my older friends.
Here is my whole class all fixed up!
Here are the boys striking a pose!
We couldn't wait to eat our necklaces! I ate the blue ones first.
Here I am with my buddy Addie - we sure had a fun day! I can count to 100 several different ways, but in years, we are the cutest 100 year olds ever!