It took awhile, but the teeth are finally coming in. I am going to take good care of them! I love to brush them. If I sneak away from Mama she always knows she can find me at the sink looking for my Elmo toothbrush.
Friday, January 28, 2011
Workin' It At Grandma & Grandpa's by Denny Lynn
So we got to stay at Grandma adn Grandpa's while Daddy and Mama where gone for work. We got to work, too! I don't know much about child labor laws, but I know me and John are the best hands you will find! First we put in time as saddle testers for the saddle Grandpa built.
I was in charge of making cookies - oatmeal raisin to be exact.John and I provided quality control for the magnets. I check the clips and John tastes them all.
As a good chef, I made breakfast. This day was farm animal pancakes.
John has progressed to head dishwasher, since now I am a cook.
More quality control and organization is applied by John Lee in inspecting the cabinets. Here he is following up with Grandma on what needs to be done.
If all else fails, we know we can shovel gravel.
We did finally get to rest on Sunday when we got dressed up and went to church. I am thankful that Grandma & Grandpa gave us the chance to try out all these career options!
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Happy Birthday, Mama by Denny Lynn
January is crazy! Mama and Daddy both had to go on trips for work the first week, so me and John headed off to Grandma's. We did get to celebrate Mama's birthday before she left. We had ice cream cake and I helped put on the candles and blow them out.
Uncle Shawn got to come, too ane he let me use the lights in his truck. It isn't quite a fire truck, but still pretty cool!We missed Daddy, but we had a good time. I think Mama liked having a birthday party.

Happy New Year by John Lee
New Year's Eve is always special at our house. It is also Mama and Daddy's anniversary. Grandma and Grandpa came over and stayed with us so Mama and Daddy could go out. I am not sure why they would want to have dinner and go to a movie without me and Denny, but it was ok because we had Grandma and Grandpa. Denny got out the train Nana and Papa gave him and he and Grandpa did some engineering!
I took some time to cuddle with Mama before she left and finally had a much needed nap.The evening involved making pizza - Denny helped, but it was still ok to eat.
We had lots of fun ringing in the New Year! I can't wait to see what 2011 holds!
My Big Brother by John Lee
It is good to have a big brother. He helps me with my toys and plays see-saw with me. Even pulls me in my wagon. He is learning to be gentle with me, even when I get behind him and grab hold of his hair. I am learning alot from him (mostly good stuff). Mostly I learned to hold on when Bubba pulls the wagon!
Happy Birthday, Colton by Denny Lynn
Chuck E Cheese Rocks! I always thought it would - I see the commercials on PBS - but I never actually got to go until now! Colton invited us to come for his birthday. It was very exciting. Ms. Tammy had made him this wonderful chocolate cake with kitkats and M&Ms.
I loved all the games! They had lots of stuff for my size! I used my tokens and shared with John!
John loved riding in the tractor with Barney. He would have stayed in it all night, but we had too much to do!I don't really like anyone in a costume, but I decided I liked Chuck E. We could dance with him and sing songs - then we got free tickets! That was great. I even decided I liked him enough to give him a hug.
I rode the horse - he has a virtual track to race on and you drive him with the reins. I liked riding, but it was hard to stay on the track!
I watched Colton play games and learned how to do it. Then I could play and win tickets. I never know why you need tickets, but I like to get them. I fed them to the machine and then traded my paper for fun toys.
When it was time for cake we all sang "Happy Birthday". The cake was yummy and just right after our pizza. We even took a piece home for Daddy. I hope Colton had a wonderful birthday. Me and John sure had fun helping him celebrate (and Teddy, too!)Friday, January 21, 2011
My First Band Aid by John Lee
So I made it all this time without a band aid – I hit my head a lot, but I don’t usually break the skin. This time I ran into the end of the artificial Christmas tree and it poked me. So, I got my first band aid – and Mama didn’t even give me a fun one – just plain. Don’t worry, I figure my first is not the last and I will get a cool band aid next time!
Merry Christmas by John Lee
Technically last year was my first Christmas, but being two days old, I missed out on a few things. This year I made up for it! I went to Grandma and Grandpa’s on Christmas Eve and first thing got a John Deere wagon. I have decided it is and indoor outdoor wagon and I love to go for rides.
We took presents to Ma & Pa and got stockings and presents of our own. Then we went to church with everybody. I liked the singing and the candles. I sang louder than anyone! Decked out in my Santa suit I was ready for more presents! I got pretty good at ripping off the paper and looking in the bags. Now I have my own Mega Blocks so I don’t have to steal Denny’s. I also got clothes and books and lots of fun stuff.
I even got my very own boots – not hand-me downs from Denny. You can get a good look at them because I got too warm and shed the Santa suit.
I crashed out after such big day, so that left plenty of time for Santa to get there.
He left me a barn tent! I like crawling in and out. I really like my Discovery Barn – it plays music and teaches me colors and numbers. We had a special lunch with everyone and then it was back to home.
The nice thing about the drive is the nap time – although, now that I face forward I can watch movies with Denny. And still more Christmas...and more presents. I love my Mickey Mouse Laptop from Uncle Rex and Aunt Lynette.
I got my OWN train and dump truck from Nana and Papa.
My towel from Etienne is the alien toy from Toy Story.
I love all my new stuff and all my friends and family that remembered me this year!
Merry Christmas by Denny Lynn
We celebrate Christmas like nobody’s business! First we went to Grandma and Grandpa’s house. John and I both had surprises right when we got there! Mine was a Thomas the Train that I can really ride on! At first I was looking for a track, but I soon figured out this Thomas could go anywhere! I made laps all around the house.
We spent time with Ma & Pa and each got our own stocking. Then we got all dressed up and headed to the candlelight service for Christmas Eve. I sang the songs and helped Grandma pass out the candles. I even got my own candle to hold.
I picked out special cookies for Santa and put them on a Christmas plate.
Then me and John put on our Santa suits and it was time for presents! There were new boots and special toys of all kinds.
Uncle Shawn got me Lincoln Logs with a train track that even has a mountain. I got to play with it a little before it was time to hit the sack and wait for Santa. I knew he would come, because I have been such a good boy – and he did! He brought me a big train I could get in just like I asked – it is a Thomas tent. Inside were other Thomas toys and James trains like I told him I needed. I played with all of them on my new tracks.
We got dressed up again – this time in our new boots – and had Christmas lunch with Ma & Pa.
Then it was time to head home. I hated to leave, but I knew Christmas wasn’t over! That night I even slept in my new Thomas tent.
Finally, it was Christmas at our house. I had presents from Nana and Papa, Aunt Judy, Ms. Lynne and even one from John! There were dump trucks and puzzles and clothes and was so fun, I can hardly describe it all!
John’s gift was a wooden train set with lots of pieces (he is not so bad for a little brother, even if he steals the pieces).
Etienne got me this cool Woody Towel.
I got a BIG train set from Nana and Papa with a remote control train. It goes and goes!
It was such a special Christmas and I appreciate everyone thinking of me this year. I guess I have to start trying to be a good boy for next year – or at least until after my birthday.
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