Since Mama has been working the last couple of weekends and John got to go, but I didn't, she took an afternoon off to spend just with me! At first I was sad to leave John, but then I realized I had my Mama all to myself and we were going to do something fun! We went to the Railroad Museum. The man there knew all about trains and the old depot. My favorite part was in the back room where you could drive the model train
- it went in circles just like my Percy train at home.
I really liked the table with all the toy trains - you could build trains and move the tracks around - there was even a tunnel to put them through. 
I would have stayed forever! Mama got me to leave with a promise of ice cream - here is a tip - all ice cream is vanilla - if I say I want ice cream, that doesn't mean chocolate or strawberry, just plain ole ice cream. It was such a pretty day we sat outside at Sonic to have our ice cream. 
It was a great time for me and Mama - I can't wait to do it again.